On the “Sunday” programme 26 January BBC Radio 4 reported favourably on 83 year old Sister Megan Rice who will be sentenced on sabotage...
Call for Letters to Plowshares Prisoners & Judge
We received letters at the Peace and Justice Centre today from Greg Boertje-Obed, Michael Walli and Megan Rice, better know as the Transform Now...
Trident Ploughshares Demo & Banner Drop at Edinburgh Castle: Trident NO Scotland YES!
The disarmament campaign group Trident Ploughshares took their hopes for an independent Scotland free of nuclear weapons to a crowded Edinburgh Castle on St...
A Concert for Peace by the Choir of St Johns Church, Princes St, Edinburgh: 7:30pm Tonight!
The deeply moving cantata “Dona nobis pacem” (c.1955), for voices, organ, tympani, side-drum and concertante piano, by the Aberdeenshire composer Ronald Center (1913-73) juxtaposes...
Cauldhall Open Cast green light a “travesty of the planning process”
From Stop Cauldhall Opencast Local residents and campaigners have expressed outrage at today’s vote in Dalkeith that saw Midlothian Councillors vote 5 to 9 in...
Think Globally Act Locally
The fact that the world is facing a climate crisis is now, after Typhoon Haiyan, surely evident to all. But will world leaders take...
White Poppies Available at Peace and Justice Centre
Over the past few weeks a steady stream of people have come to the Centre in search of White Poppies, the alternative to the...
Tell George Osborne and the government to step in and save the Co-operative bank.
The Co-operative bank is about to be swallowed up by two giant US financial speculators after it got into financial difficulty. This deal is...
Speaker Series- Drone Wars UK
EPJC Speaker Series Report Chris Cole: The Economic & Human Cost of Drone Wars The latest EPJC talk as part of the Edinburgh World...
Suggested actions you can take on the crisis in Syria.
Write to President Obama and urge him not to take military action and to vigorously support all diplomatic solutions. We recommend using template letter to President...
EPJC Letter to President Obama September 2013
September 2013 Dear President Obama, We are writing regarding your proposal that the US should be prepared to take military action in response to...
No Intervention in Syria
In the last week of August UNHCR reported that the number of Syrian children with refugee status as a result of the civil war...
Bradley Manning
Yesterday the UK assisted the US in stepping up pressure on journalists and whistleblowers by detaining the partner of Guardian journalist Glenn Greenwald, who broke...
Activists Ballot Shoppers on Trident Replacement
On Saturday 10th August the Gareloch Horties, a Trident Ploughshares affinity group set up a stall to ballot shoppers at Cameron Toll in Edinburgh’s south...
Support the Oxfam Syria Crisis Appeal
The conflict in Syria has has claimed more than 93,000 lives. Around 5.5 million people have been forced to flee their homes with nearly...