Meanwhile, right here in Edinburgh there is an opportunity to take action to stop a massive amount of carbon emissions. 10 million tons of Coal are sitting under Cauldhall Moor. And Hargreaves want to dig it up and burn it. If you are free come along to support Stop Cauldhall Open Cast demo tomorrow at Midlothian Council HQ (Tuesday) at 1pm, Buccleuch St, Dalkeith. The Council is set to approve an application by Hargreaves for an Open Cast Coal Mine just outside Edinburgh (and 1.5km from my house! on Cauldhall Moor. Read Rob Edwards account in today’s Herald here and this story in the Evening News and for lots more info check out http://stopopencast.org. uk/?p=452 If Midlothian is to meet its statutory obligation to do its bit to reduce Carbon emissions and prevent climate catastrophe it must turn this application down. Think Globally and Act Locally!