Would you consider becoming a trustee for P&J?

We work to build a culture of peace through creative events, small local peacebuilding projects and working with others to campaign to end the culture of militarism in our society. We are a small team of two part-time staff as well as volunteers and our trustees are now only three.
We are looking for more Trustees to join our Board. Minimum commitment would be about one and a half hours per week, and includes attending bi-monthly trustee meetings which are currently held online via zoom.
We seek a diverse group of trustees and so especially welcome those who experience challenges in their lives which they can bring to widen our perspective, people of other genders and people of colour.
Before applying to become a Trustee please READ our VALUES and MISSION Statements Here. For more information and to apply to become a Trustee or Treasurer please download the application pack here.
Complete the form and email it to us to apply: admin[at]peaceandjustice.org.uk
Other Volunteer and Student Work Placement Opportunities
The only requirement is a commitment to our values and a desire to work for peace and justice. Before applying to Volunteer with us please READ our VALUES and MISSION Statements Here. You’ll be asked to confirm that you agree to these when you complete the application form.