Support us with a regular membership donation or a one-off donation today to support our peace shop and fund out projects building a culture of peace in Scotland.
P&J members receive regular updates on our work and events, and are entitled to vote at our AGM.
Join us
We want to share information, ideas and news. We also want to have your financial support to help us to be sustainable. Even if you pay the minimum, when you tell people that you are a member it helps increase trust that we are worth investing in.
Alternatively you can download this membership form. Then complete the form and either scan and return the form to this email address OR return it with your cheque or completed standing order form to Peace & Justice, 58 Ratcliffe Terrace EH9 1ST.
One off donations
Other ways to donate
You can also donate direct to our bank account.
Account name: Peace & Justice
Account number: 00207018
Sort code: 80-11-30
You can also donate by cheque. Make any cheques payable to ‘Peace & Justice’ and send to the above address
Peace & Justice is a registered charity. Our Scottish charity number is SC026864