Welcoming Refugees and Unaccompanied Children: From Syira & Turkey to Calais & Scotland

Event Details

A Panel Discussion followed by Q&A

Tuesday 4th October. 7:00 – 9:00pm. 

Rm G.06, 50 George Sq EH8 9LH, 

University of Edinburgh 

Panel discussion on the situation facing refugees in Turkey, Greece, Calais, the UK & Scotland and how we can best respond.

Amer Scott Masri,a Syrian refugee now living in Scotland, who was tortured in Syria will speak about his own experience coming to Scotland as a refugee and the situation in Syria.

Janet Barnes, Chair of East Lothian Aid for Refugees has visited Calais frequently and many camps in Thessalonika, will speak about the situation facing refugees there. as well as ELAR aid work and how people can help. ELAR distribute aid.


Sabine Gundel from Citizens UK will speak about the French plans to shut down Calais and repercussions for unaccompanied children, what people here in Scotland can do in terms of advocacy for the UK to take its fair share of refugees and especially children.

Gary Christie, Scottish Refugee Council will speak about issues facing refugees in Scotland.

Matthew Naumann will present the findings of EP&JC report on Unaccompanied Aylum Seeking Children in Scotland.

Julia Albert-Recht, formerly with International Medical Corps. She headed British Red Cross response to the Syrian Refugee Crisis. Julia will speak on the UK Syrian refugee resettlement programme.

Amadu Khan, from the Welcoming Association. Amadu is himself a refugee from Sierra Leone and will speak about his work on the Syrian resettlement programme in Edinburgh and the needs of refugees in Scotland.

Chair: Brian Larkin, Coordinator, Edinburgh Peace and Justice Centre.

Chair: Brian Larkin, Edinburgh Peace and Justice Centre.
Post Brexit major questions exist about UK policy on refugees, especially refugee and asylum seeking children. The fate of thousands of children in Europe remains uncertain. 
The EP&JC is about to publish a briefing on Legal issues surrounding the EU decision to return refugees to Turkey. Following the French announcement that it will shut down the Calais  “Jungle” camp the EP&JC is calling for France to insure shelter for the Calais children and for the UK to admit Calais children entitled to asylum and to fulfil its pledge, under the Dubs Amendment to the Immigration Bill, to admit unaccompanied children from Europe.


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