It’s Time for Amazon to Come Clean on their Energy Use!

Peace –

While competitors move toward renewable energy, refuses to share data on its energy use or environmental impact.

Amazon Logo - Frown Face

Take action today.

Tell Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos to come clean about Amazon’s electricity footprint.

It’s pretty amazing! No matter where we are or what time of day it is, the internet enables us to shop for goods, stay connected with family and friends, and share and enjoy photos, songs, and videos we love — all at lightning speed.

The internet feels so efficient and clean: and in many ways it is. But one company is holding the clean Internet revolution back: Amazon.

Tell Amazon’s Founder and CEO Jeff Bezos to come clean about his company’s energy performance and environmental impact.

And the company has another branch, Amazon Web Services (AWS), that we encounter every day through the websites it hosts — including Netflix, Pinterest, Spotify, and Vine. In fact, every day one third of all internet users visit an Amazon Web Services hosted site.

Yet Amazon is the only major Internet company that hasn’t released ANY data on its energy use or environmental impact. These sites are integral to our daily lives, but they come at a high cost when they’re powered by polluting coal, gas and nuclear power.

That’s why we’re asking you to call on Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos to end the secrecy and release AWS’s data on its energy usage.

Other internet companies like Facebook, Google, Apple, and Microsoft regularly publish their energy use data, providing evidence of how these companies are honoring their commitments to renewable energy. This information is key to evaluating which companies are doing all they can to provide a green Internet to customers like you and me.

Amazon could be a leader for our climate. But any pledge for sustainability won’t mean much without the hard numbers. That means first coming clean about how much energy Amazon is using, and where it’s coming from.

Tell Amazon’s CEO Jeff Bezos to be transparent about AWS’s electricity footprint, and move toward renewable energy. YOUR VOICE IS VITAL to ending the secrecy around his company’s impact on our climate.

We know that together, our voices are powerful. Over past three years — after hearing from supporters like you — both Facebook and Apple have committed to 100% renewable energy, causing major investments in America’s wind and solar energy.

As more and more tech companies switch to clean energy, the industry is poised to make a real impact on avoiding climate catastrophe. But, while competitors like Google and Apple are making the right choices for our communities and climate — Amazon is ignoring the issue.

Now is our time to speak up. Don’t you think its time for Amazon to come clean?

For a greener future,

David Pomerantz
Greenpeace USA Senior Energy Campaigner

P.S. Don’t worry — this email was sent on a clean server. But we now need your voice to make Amazon accountable for ITS carbon footprint. Take action today and be part of something big.

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