Could you be our new Treasurer?


Peace & Justice (Scotland) is currently seeking an individual with experience of looking after finances to provide oversight for our finances and support for our Finance Officer.

Apply here


Could you look after our Treasure??
Picture by John Marlow (creative commons license)

Role description

We need a treasurer with basic accounting skills and an understanding of finance practice relevant in voluntary organisations, to support our work building a culture of peace and opposing militarism. An understanding of Quickbooks online (the financial accounting system we use) would be helpful – but training can be given.

The role will include:

  •  Oversight of accounts and financial risk management 
  • Supporting the Coordinator in preparation of programme and organisational budgets as needed
  • Supporting the finance officer to do her job in managing QuickBooks, paying invoices, salaries and pensions and claiming gift aid
  • Financial reporting to fellow-trustees at bi-monthly meeting
  • Assisting the auditor in producing an annual report for OSCR
  • Reporting on the organisation’s finances annually at our AGM

Commitment would be about 1 hour per week, and includes attending  bi-monthly trustees meetings which are currently held online via zoom. 

Optional involvement in one of our working groups (on fundraising for example) might involve extra hours.

To apply for this voluntary position please visit this page to Download an application pack and send to Brian Larkin.

If you would like to chat in more detail about what this role might involve please email Brian and he will get in contact with you.

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