Mindfulness Training Programme

Event Details

This event finished on 06 June 2017

Mindfulness Training Programme

LOOPs are holding mindfulness training with Moment is Now every Tuesday from 2.00pm until 4.00pm at Volunteer Edinburgh, 222 Leith Walk, EH6 5EQ between 25 April and 13 June for the over 65.

Mindfulness training can help reduce stress and anxiety and improve our general feeling of wellbeing and quality of life. It can also help us to feel more connected to others and less alone.

This eight-week mindfulness course is to help you develop a mindfulness practice which you can apply in your daily life.

For information on mindfulness please visit the Moment is Now site here.

For more information on this training programme and to book please contact Moment is Now by phone on 07460 424 701, email them here, or call the LOOPs phoneline on 0131 603 8311.

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