A World in Transition – Humanity has reached a decisive moment

Event Details

Humanity is facing unbearable pressures – war, terrorism, global warming, environmental destruction, migration, economic competition.

At this critical time, we must choose: either to continue the old way of living and jeopardise life on the planet, or to live in peace through sharing, justice and cooperation.

At such a crucial stage, humanity is supported by extraordinary guidance: a group of wise and incorruptible teachers – led by Maitreya, the Avatar for the New Age and World Teacher for All Humanity – who are here to help us through our greatest evolutionary crisis.

Join us to hear about unfolding world events from a unique spiritual perspective covering the following topics and more: the beginning of a New Age, the Risk of People Power, Evolution of Consciousness, the Return of the Masters of Wisdom, UFOs and unexplained phenomena and A Brilliant Future Civilisation.

Free admission and booking not required. Everyone Welcome.

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